Welcome to my page! So glad you’re taking the time to give it a look 🙂
I know most “About Me” sections of people’s photography blogs are usually some long, beautifully written biography about their love for what they do, but due to the fact that I am by no means a good writer, I decided to make this short and simple and try to explain who I am through the listing of ten facts about me. 🙂

- I’ll start by stating the obvious: My name is Leah Emerson and I take a lot of pictures. I’m not sure when it started, but I do remember when I was in middle school I would quite often take my little point and shoot camera and my sister outside in our backyard and attempt to pose her and have full on photoshoots. Looking back at them now, I can’t help but laugh at how terrible they were, but the point here is that the excitement and happiness I get from taking pictures is something that’s been inside of me for as long as I can remember.
- I was born in Minnesota, lived there for a few years, but grew up and spent the majority of my life thus far in Houston, Texas.
- Before coming to college, I took a GAP year in Copenhagen, Denmark. A few days before I left I used almost all of my graduation money to buy my first DSLR big girl camera, which at the time I wasn’t completely sure was the best use of my money–but it turns out it so was. I regret nothing. That year in Copenhagen was the first time I really started getting into photography.
- I moved to Chicago a year ago for school and I am working towards a psychology degree with a minor in business.
- I am 20 years old, 21 in May, yet people mistake me for a 16 year old. Not the greatest thing in the world right now, but I’m sure I’ll be thankful for it when I’m older!
- I. Love. Puppies.
- I love love love movies and TV shows of all kinds (I’m working my way through Grey’s Anatomy right now and if you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend you do so.)
- I also love traveling
- I always have been and always will be a huge night owl.
- I am the #1 WORST story teller on the planet. And I mean that. If you ever find yourself listening to me telling one, apologies in advance.
So there you have it! Hopefully that helped you get a little bit of a better sense of who I am.
I love knowing that my page is being looked at by all of you and that I am able to share my experiences (and yours if you’d like!) with you all through my photos. Thanks again for stopping by and checking it out!
**P.S. If you’d like photos taken, get in contact with me by clicking on the “Contact Information” page in the menu bar. I’d love to be a part of documenting a part of your life. 🙂 **